OM4CP is a FUFISM based marketing strategy for small and micro business that is managed on a SMART PHONE, which eliminates the need to purchase a computer or any software, and thus reduces the entry level price of online marketing considerably.
Take your time, create a well thought through plan first, and do not rush into this, as there are many pitfalls.
We will guide you through with tyhis as we go along.
Online marketing is a rather complicated affair that can be broken down into it's various components, which can then be further broken down again into a number of smaller segments, and many small steps which are each very simple and easily achieved. This page will discuss the various major components, and have links to pages, where these major components will be broken down into smaller chunks. Those smaller chunks will be discussed in posts within this blog, and else where.
OM4CP is an entry level online marketing tactic that uses #FUFISM based techniques, and we will mostly be discussing google based products, how ever you may choose to use other products and expand on the elementary set of strategies that we recommend here within this blog. If you have questions about adding other platforms to your mix of strategies, please ask either by commenting on a post or by filling in our contact request from.
This blog discusses the use of smart phones as the basis of operations, however you may use your PC, a laptop or any other device that accesses the internet to do the same things. This blog discusses the use of Smart Phones, as it allows those who have no PC, NO laptop or other internet enabled device to use a communication tool that is cheap and easily accessible (YOUR SMART PHONE) to create and manage an online marketing campaign.
OM4CP has five major components
1) a web site
2) a blog
3) a social media personal profile
4) a social media business page
5) an off line marketing component.
Due to the fact that we wish to keep prices at the bare minimum we have opted to use the Google backbone, and use the free range of Google products to get you going with an online marketing presence that is functional and successful. You can at any time upgrade and move your web site,and your blog to fully fledged domains that are managed by professional teams , how ever there are some costs involved and plenty of pre-planning that needs to take place before you take such a step. You can also step up your efforts considerably and add more social media power by adding extra social media platforms such as Facebook, pinterest and twitter to name a few, how ever this will entail more staff as well as more resources, and be costly to manage. If your business is not big enough to handle these extras, start with the FREE BASIC SET as offered by Google.
Denis Labell is the goto guy for all things google, and we recommend that you take a peep see at his G+page, then consiser adding him to one of your circles.
Google Sites offers free web site for all their Gmail users, and you can read more here
You can get more help on Google sites here
We will discuss more about this in a post soon. (link will go here)
CLICK LINK AND READ HOW You can create a free blog at your blog is an essential element in your fufism based online marketing efforts. more will be forthcomming in the posts, and links will be added here as time goes on.
You can use any social media platform of your choice, how ever we recommend using G+ as in our collective view, this is the easiest option to use, that will ensure that your online content gets its fair share of exposure within the Google search engine. Google Plus or G+ is a Google product, and as such it has a foot in the door, and is thus a much better option than Facebook or twitter to get started on your FUFISM based marketing strategy. One Google login (your Gmail account) is valid across all of Google's services so you only have to remember one user name and password. how to set up your Google Plus account
Creating a Google plus business page is a simple task once you have a Personal G+ profile. A business page and a brand page are usually one and the same thing. read how to create your brand page here your Google plus business page (brand page) will house your business posts social media business posts, and be separate from your Google plus personal page, but work together as part of the team.
your personal G+ page will be used as an author verification system, and your business G+ page will be used as a publisher verification system, so some care must be taken during the naming process. Do not rush into this but take the time and plan this as you go along. also use your real name on your personal profile, as this will help your customers find you, and also act as a very powerful STFSEOVI or Semantic trust Factor Search Engine Optimisation Value Indicator that will give your business efforts an extra edge in the Search Engine Results Pages.
The 4ubrandblog at discusses many of the issues that you need to come to grips with, and how your blog, your web site and your social media pages interact and work as a team to promote your business interests within the online environment.
This page will be updated from time to time, and if you wish to be advised when this page is updated with new info and fresh links fill in the form found here. (form coming soon)
for more see our G+ brand page for the OM4CP project.
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