Monday, August 3, 2015

What is the purpose of your blog

what is the purpose of your blog

your blog is like the pot of gold at the base of a rainbow.

As with your web site, the purpose  of your blog will not be the same for every business, how ever when using the OM4CP  (Online Marketing for {4} Cell Phones) marketing tactic there are many purposes that remain constant across all industries and organizations.  The biggest set of factors to consider here is the role that your blog will play in the supplemental marketing of your web site and the related SEO (Search Engine Optimization)  issues that come along for the ride.

Your blog will assume a multitude of purposes, and the supplemental marketing along with the associated SEO issues will be the biggest issue that you need to understand and integrate into your total marketing plan.

Your web site  should  always be the primary hub of your online presence and needs to be treated with top priority.  Your blog is always second on this list, and your web site should always quote posts and specific defined landing pages (not blog posts) within  your blog, and link to them in a manner that keeps the viewer interested and in your intended information flow loop for any specific conversion process or  sales funnel.

Some of the common purposes which your blog is used for,  that are relevant across all industries and organizations are listed below. There are indeed many more, but you will pick these up as you go along, and add them to your blog documentation as well as your marketing plan, and then integrate them into your total marketing plan..

more about SEO courtesy of the 4u Brand Blog
read about SEO on the 4ubrand blog
  • general business Networking and network marketing through the comments system
  • link building with your web site, 
  • promoting your web pages
  • promoting your business pages in the social media
  • promoting individuals within your company by promoting their personal social media profiles, as well as their bio pages which will reside  in either your web site or your blog, or perhaps both, depending on your business model and business needs.
  • promote your SEO or Search Engine Optimization, specific tactics and strategies  
    • content marketing
    • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
    • Inbound marketing
    • issues with your Semantic  footprint
    • reputation management control mechanisms and tactics 
    • link building strategies with out side interests
  • building your online presence and online reputation management issues
  • fulfill a public relations role in association with the public relations role of your web pages and social media pages.
  • act as a conversion funnel or sales funnel complementary marketing strategy platform
Documentation is a very big issue and this needs to be addressed with your company wide documentation strategy.  If you are not documenting what you do, how you do it, and why you do things, you will run into all kinds of problems in the near future. By documenting the things that you do, along with the why and how parts in their own business strategy documentation systems, then you will have a means to observe your historical actions and the results of all your efforts.  without historical documentation, how will you be able to determine which business strategy has developed an ROI (Return On Investment)  and which business strategies are costing you and placing financial strain on your business.  If the high loss causing strategies are your MARKETING and ADVERTISING strategies, then you need to take some action, as these should be bringing you in some revenue and not be running at a loss.

Your blog is not a very cheap thing to run, as it has a very serious labor element  as well as some specialist costs that need to be covered.  WE do understand that BLOGSPOT.COM is a free service, but you may need expert services of an image creator / editor, a copywriter, an HTML  coder, and SEO consultant or other  specialist advice, which does not come very cheaply.

Before you hire any of these specialists to work on your blog,  you will need to have all your ducks in a row, and documenting the purpose, aims, objectives and intent of your blog is one of the more important issues that need to be addressed.  The set of  documents listed here describing your policies and procedures need to be introduced to your staff and related marketing partners through a set of company documentation
strategies, that includes but is not limited to
  • your blogging policy
    • your blog's purpose, aims Objectives and intent  should be described within this document
  • your web site policy 
    • your website's  purpose, aims Objectives and intent  should be described within this document describing your  web site policy
  • your online marketing policy
    • the purpose, aims, objectives and intent  of your online marketing should be well defined in this document.
    • how you plan to integrate your online and off line marketing should be described here
  • your off line marketing policy
    • the FUFISM based  integration of your online and off line  marketing should be well described here
    • how you intend to integrate your online and offline marketing should be described here
  • your total marketing policy (FUFISM based integrated marketing) 
    • the integration strategies in other documentation needs to be referenced here along with how these will be managed by your marketing manager in conjunction with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) manger
  • your social media policy
    • how your social media efforts will be integrated  into your other marketing, as listed below needs to be highlighted and well understood by all persons working on any portion of your marketing, both online and offline.
      • your website
      • your blog
      • your offline marketing
        • PRINT MEDIA focusing on but not limited to news papers and magazines
        • radio
        •  road shows, trade fairs and industry specific events
  • your basic business plan, including your marketing plan and related procedures.
You blog needs to be well maintained as well as  properly managed with the intent to ensure effectively arranged and  properly integrated marketing with your website taking primary attention, your blog being in second place, your off line marketing being in third spot, and the social media being the primary integration tool, which integrates these three marketing platforms into one single marketing strategy.

your new blog needs proper palnning. just as you planned your day from sunrise to sun set, so you need to plan your blog before you start doing wrong things...Your blog  will thus form the back bone of your supplemental marketing for your web site, and be the core of your supplemental marketing efforts that is backed up by your social media marketing efforts, where link building for both your blog and your web site are two of the most critical areas that need serious attention.  Your blog should be seen as the primary traffic driver to your website, and  blog posts should focus on single pages within your website, or specific topics that are related to the core of your business operations.

Once you have created the documentation describing the purpose, aims, objectives and intent of your web site, keep this document handy, and refer to it when you create the document discussing the purpose, aims, objectives and intent of your blog, as well as when you create your blog site policies.

Before writing your web site and blog policy documentation,  have your business plan with your core value proposition completed, as you will need to refer to this in these new documents describing your online policies and related procedural documentation.

Be sure to understand and document the purpose of your blog, according to your business model, and your core business value proposition that you want the public to understand and act on.

Failure to document the aims, objectives purpose and intent of your blog and web site makes many other issues very difficult to complete with any success.  This documentation discussing the intent and purpose of your online assets is the key to successful online marketing, and the value of these documents should never be underestimated.

As with our website your,  blog serves a multitude of purposes, within your marketing and advertising strategies, and each of these purposes needs to be listed in your business plan, and then also listed in your marketing plan, as well as in your business policy documentation.


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