Saturday, May 23, 2015

What is SEO and how does SEO fit into your MARKETING strategies?

The OM4CP project is in place to help small businesses with their online marketing efforts in ways that allow them to be very competitive and put their products, services and related information out there for their intended target market to find and consume, and ensure good well placed search rankings.

For this to be successful the participants of the OM4CP marketing project will need to clearly understand what SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is, and how it should be integrated into their total marketing plan. This post hopes to start that process by explaining some of the key areas that need to be understood and integrated into any online marketing plan.

First lets start with some definitions of SEO and a few links to the 4u brand blog where these topics are expanded and discussed in  more detail.  SEO or Search Engine Optimization is all the work done by your marketing team,and their various service providers.

SEO is not limited to all that sneaky and devious  in page stuff such as page title, page descriptions along with other meta data stuck in the head section of the HTML code and other sneaky and hard to understand meta mark-up within the body section of your HTML code.  SEO has three basic sections which each need to be treated separately, but all three need to be integrated collectively into your marketing plan, as leading influences,  that need to be considered properly,  when assembling any marketing package, immaterial of which  media this marketing content will be delivered to your intended target market.

visit the 4u brand blog for more info on FUFISMWhat I am trying to say here is that SEO or search engine optimisation, should be a major part of every marketing initiative that you undertake, including all print media, all radio ads, and in your general conversation with your customers and prospects.   Right now this may sound a bit strange, but as we progress and you get to understand that SEO is an all inclusive issue that must be done from the start and not as a later add in.

The three sections of all Search Engine Optimisation effort are listed here 

1 ) #IPSEO or In Page Search Engine Optimisation
2 ) #OPSEO or Off Page, but Online Search Engine Optimisation
3)  #OLSEO or Off Line Search Engine Optimisation

 The other day a I wrote a post discussing the value of SEO to your business which you can read here

SEO or search engine optimization is a very big field and there are many issues that need to be considered.  If you try to do all at once it is a bit daunting, so just think of the SEO process as many small steps, then work out what needs to be done to complete one step at a time.

so  SEO is very valuable to your business, as it helps you to get your business closer to the top of the lists  in the SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages)

Take your time and read up about SEO. take what others have to say into consideration, and do what you believe to be right for your business.  Worrying too much about SEO can cause many hours of productive time to be wasted. when writing stuff for your intended target market audience, think about the words that they use in their every day life, and write with them in mind, because those are the words that will be used within search queries.

Another definition of SEO is that Search Engine Optimisation is the tool box that you as a content provider make available to a search engine so that a search engine can build the structures that hold the pathways between your target market audience and your online content.  If you look at SEO as the tool kit that search engines use to connect your audience to your content, and you know your audience, then you can spply a better tool kit.  Remember that this toolkit needs  three layers so that each of the three components may be worked on with its own set of tools, where some tools are common in all three sections, but some are very specific and only work within their specialized spaces.

leave a comment discussing what you want to know about, and we will try to address that either here, or in the  blog.

Introducing the OM4CP project

Info4u your online marketing information providerThe OM4CP project is in place to help small businesses and micro industries to market their products and services within the online environment through the use of a smart phone.  If you want to know more fill in this online  form and a member of theOM4CP team will get in touch with you.  The OM4CP system uses Google's cloud computing back bone to link different online elements of web sites, blogs, social media

OM4CP = Online Marketing for cell phones

The OM4CP online marketing user guide will  offer  advice on setting up the following elements, as well as pointers on how and why they should be integrated into a single marketing campaign.
click here to visit the 4u brand blog where #FUFISM based marketing  is the main topic
1) a site with Google sites
2) a blog with
3) A social media business page with Google plus
4) a social media personal profile with Google plus

The OM4CP project is a FUFISM based marketing initiative aimed at small and micro businesses.  this project will enable those at the very bottom of the business ladder to get a very big advantage over those who are not willing to use technology within their marketing strategies.  The costs are relatively small, most already have smart phones as business communication tools, and all the software comes along as freeware when using Gmail, as these are the free basic services that Google offers to entice users to offer up their data.